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Kim Warchol, President and Founder of DCS at CPI 
Two Powerful Benefits of a Dementia Capable Society

As we round out the year, we think about why it is so vital to create a Dementia Capable Society. Providing dementia training gives the foundation for all to understand the process and stages of dementia so that we can work together, with mutual understanding, to mitigate the impact of dementia.

Two ways a Dementia Capable Society can help:

1.      Stop the suffering associated with dementia.

Sadly, suffering from dementia is likely if we view the situation as hopeless and the person as helpless. However, dementia stages are rather predictable and when we view the glass as half full, the perspective shift about each stage is inspiring. When we know what a person can’t do and CAN do in each stage, we can anticipate needs, adapt, and optimize participation in meaningful life activities.

Helping someone to feel and be successful by participating in what they want to do each day, at their best ability, fosters many positive emotions such as purpose, contentment, and joy. Living well with dementia is possible when we hold a CAN DO perspective and when we know how to enable someone to stay meaningfully engaged in life, at every stage.

2.      Reduce caregiver stress.

The unknown and the unpredictable can be very scary and stressful. However, understanding dementia stages can reduce the guessing game as stages can function like a care road map. Dementia stages, as defined by Allen Cognitive Levels:

  • Define the highest level of function possible at each stage and describe the corresponding care techniques to optimize engagement and independence.
  • Identify the high risks at each stage and provide strategies to reduce the likelihood that the risk becomes reality.
  • Illuminate the predictable care needs and care level, to help families make important planning decisions for today and the future.

It’s National Family Caregivers Month. Let’s work together to create a Dementia Capable Society- a world in which the person living with dementia, their loved ones, and care partners can thrive!

Listen to Kim explain "The Value of a Dementia Capable Society" in an installment of her video series: "Let's Talk About Dementia with Kim Warchol", below.


Would you like quality dementia training to become a Dementia Capable Care Specialist? Not only will this new knowledge and skill make your job easier, but you will make the world a better place for those you serve.


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November 2024

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Alzheimer’s / Dementia Misconceptions and How to Address Them

Even though most people have a general awareness and understanding of Alzheimer’s disease, there are a plethora of misconceptions- especially around understanding a person’s potential to live well with dementia and what constitutes quality dementia care. Let’s examine this further.

Let’s Work Together to Create a Dementia Capable Society- Because it Matters!

As we begin a new year, I always pause to reflect on my purpose in life and assess how well I’m fulfilling this purpose. One of the greatest gifts I’ve received in life was being called to be an occupational therapist and being led to serve those living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. For the past 35 plus years I have been doing whatever I can to make the world a better place for those living with dementia, their loved ones, and caregivers. Along the journey I quickly realized there is little value in going it alone. This is not solitary work to be done by one- it is a movement. We believe it is vital to “create a Dementia Capable Society, one person, one passionate partner at a time”.

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I Want To Help Create A Dementia Capable Society

Are you ready to expand your impact? Let’s work together to determine the best solution to make it happen!

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